This Hebrew-only page describes a conference being held at Tel Aviv U. entitled "The Camp David Summit, 2000: What went wrong? - Lessons for the Future".
Co-sponsored by Sari Nusseibeh's al-Quds University and a TAU institute affiliated with the Peres Center for Peace, the conference (as detailed in Jpost) appears to almost exclusively feature people who were and still are Oslo supporters (eg. Yossi Beilin, Robert Malley, Martin Indyk, Ron Pundak and others). As one would expect from these types, the seminar topics focus on "the process" and "methodological aspects", though there's one session titled "Substantive Issues".
Also included on the roster are PA Security Minister Mohammed Dahlan and uber-spokesliar Saeb Erekat. The Oslo skeptics on the roster include Likud MK Yuval Steinitz and former PM Ehud Barak (if he can be called a skeptic now). Also on the agenda is a message from one "President Clinton".
4 hours ago
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