Sunday, June 30, 2002

The IDF seems to be keeping the Islamikazes on the run these days, but this AM a bomb exploded on a train track near Lod - lightly injuring 4 (details). Haaretz news flashes says that in Ramallah 10 wanted men were found hiding in 2 Red Crescent ambulances.

The commotion around the "baby-dressed-as-suicide-bomber" photo is interesting. A picture really influences people much more than words and argument.

On Army Radio's "Last Word" this morning they were talking about the baby: how cute he is, "he reminds me of the Dolphinarium bomber". They also expressed skepticism about the dismantling of settlement outposts that is now going on: "you can take them down and put them back up a dozen times before lunch".

Right now just about my entire company is gathered in the main conference room to watch the Mondial final.

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